September 26-27, 2022: Dissemination results of CORNET MiscanValue at the workshop series Green industrial sites, Dresden

On September 26-27, 2022 the workshop entitled “Recovery of Valuable Materials” was organized jointly by TUD, Germany and Cluster WASTen with the support of Sachsische Aufbaubank in Dresden, Saxony.  The event was a part of the Workshop Series – Green Industrial Sites and had a goal to introduce the practical implementation of the circular economy principles and value chain approaches to the industry and to highline the role of close cooperation in their implementation between the private sectors, scientific&educational communities, and governments. It was implied that the workshop would strengthen the existed cooperation and initiate the broader networking between the Czech Republic and Saxony in the scheme of the waste management.  

The top management persons from Saxony and the Czech Republic participated in the event, i.e.: Mr.Thomas Schmidt, Minister for Regional Development, Saxony and Dr.Marian  Piecha, Deputy Minister of Industry&Trade of the Czech Republic, Dr.Marketa Meissnerova, Consul General of the Czech Republic. The workshop was led by prof. Michael Beckmann, Dean, TUD and Dr.Radek Horenovsky, Cluster WASTen.

The results of the CORNET MiscanValue project was introduced at the Round Table 3 “Energy” moderated by prof.  Michael Beckmann, TUD   and prof. Valentina Pidlisnyuk, UJEP. Other international and in-state projects concerning circular economy approaches were introduced and discussed as well. The common scientific and practical interests in the sphere of the waste management were defined and broadly discussed by participants. The following representatives from the firms and scientific communities participated In RT3: Dr.Ing. Simon Unz, Chair of Energy Process Engineering, Institute of Process Engineering and Environmental Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering, TUD; Dr.Ing. Josef Maroušek, Institute of Technology and Business in Ceske Budejovice, the Czech Republic; Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Vogewl, 3Energy GmbH, Grobschirma, Saxony;  Jakub Dostal, PhD, TUD, Saxony; Mrs.Frances Zedler, Enegy Saxony e.V.; TUD EVT; Leslie Knipping, TUD; Dr. Radek Horenovsky, Mgr.Vojtech Broz, Tadeus Rusnok, all – WASTen, the Czech Republic.

The RT 3 was finalized with the conclusions related  future joint Research & Development needs, i.e.:

  1. Pyrolysis of plastics, biomass, food waste
  2. Valorization of residues from the physicochemical treatment of waste
  3. Research on H2 as energy storage
  4. Development of regional energy system
  5. Initiation the joint Summer School
  6. Introduction of CIrcular Economy principles to industry and using experience of TUD for  establishing a Circular Economy Centre at   UJEP. 
  7. Initiation of the joint PhD study when one student is led  by two advisors, consiquently from the TUD and UJEP.

There is an intension to organize  the Second workshop „Recovery of Valuable Materials“ in spring of 2023 in Prague.