November 30, 2022: On-line Training on processing Miscanthus biomass to bioproducts, insulation materials and paper

On November 30, 2022, an online training entitled “Paper and Fibrous materials from Miscanthus biomass” was held. The event was organized by Papertechnische Stiftung (PTS), Heidenau in cooperation with TUD-HFT, Dresden within the CORNET MiscanValue project. The event aimed to deliver to the end-users, teams’ members, and broader stakeholders the results and outcomes on processing the Miscanthus biomass to different bioproducts, i.e.: pulp, insulation materials and paper.   

Dr Martin Zahel, PTS, opened the training with the welcome comments. Thereafter two main presentations were delivered:

  • Manuela Fiedler and Martin Zahel
    PTS, Germany
    Fibre Sources for Papermaking and the Role of Miscanthus
  • Sören Tech and Daniela Einer
    TUD-HFT, Germany
    Miscanthus-based Insulation Materials

The main outcomes of the reports are:

  • Miscanthus fibres are more total and surface charged than sulphate fibres.
  • Miscanthus fibres were not bleached, therefore containing more lignin.
  • Unground Miscanthus Acetosolv pulps have much higher strength (Tensile Index) than sulphate-digested pulps due to their low GVZ.

The presentation from TUD-HFT on converting Miscanthus biomass to insulation materials was ended up by the educational firm which illustrated the production processes at the semi-field scale. The General Discussion summed up the event.

Altogether 36 participants were connected with the event representing end-users, private business, faculty members, scientific workers, and NGOs. The attendees of the on-line events were from Germany, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Poland, Spain, Croatia, and Kazakhstan.

The education film and presentations are available upon request.