October 12-14, 2022: Dissemination of CORNET results at the International Conference Contaminated Sites, 2022 

On 12-14.10 prof. Valentina Pidlisnyuk participated in the International Conference Contaminated Sites organized by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Environmental Agency with support of the European Union. Following the successful editions of the International Conference CONTAMINATED SITES 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2018 the current event had a goal to introduce the main achievements in the monitoring and evaluation of the differently contaminated sites across the world and to discuss the technologies for their revitalization. The conference is served as a tribune where governmental officials, researchers, end-users, technological professionals exchange the innovative ideas and enrich the networking.    

2022 conference was organized in Senec,Slovakia as three days’ event designed with the plenary presentations, poster sessions, discussions and field trip. About 80 participants attended the conference and represented Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Serbia, Slovenia, Georgia, Algeria, France, Spain, Germany, USA, India.

Prof. Pidlisnyuk did a plenary presentation entitled “Utilization of Energy crop Miscanthusxgiganteus biomass cultivated in the post-mining and post-military soils “and introduced the summarizing results of CORNET project on behalf of Sergej Ust’ak, Daniela Einer, Soren Tech, Radek Horenovsky, Vojtech Broz, Tatyana Stefanovska, Aigerim Mamirov, Robert Ato Newton, Josef Trogl, Mirko Lindner.  She also co-authored two poster presentations, i.e. “The potential of Miscanthusxgiganteus for remediation of sites, contaminated by oil-products” with Dr. Stefanovska and Dr. Katilevskiy (Ukraine) and “Quick test for cascading usage of Mxg crop Miscanthusxgiganteus biomass cultivated in the post-mining and post-military soils” in co-authoring with Robert Newton, UJEP and Daniela Einer, Soren Tech, Mirko Lindner, TUD, Germany.

While at the meeting prof. Pidlisniuk had a minutes/discussions with: Tatyana Stefanovska, NULES, Ukraine; Otilija Miseckaite, Vytautas Magbus University, Lithuania; Stefan Neiwerth and Vitomir Dobric, HUESKER, Germany; Petr Sotnik, Kamensky University in Bratislana; Katarina Paluchova and Elena Bradiakova, Slovak Environmental Agency; Alan Seech, USA; Ingrid Turisova and Vladimir Kobza, MBU, Slovakia; Anna Patschova and Vladimir Chudoba, Water Research Institute, Slovakia.