On November 26, 2020 the Remote Interim meeting of the Czech teams involved in CORNET project MiscanValue was organized by WASTen. Representatives from three universities: UJEP, UCT and VSB-TUO along with WASTen participated in the meeting. Reports about the current state of project’s implementation were delivered by prof. Valentina Pidlisnyuk, UJEP (WP1 and WP 8), PhD student Ales Paulu, UCT (WP7), Dr. Pavel Letinsky, VSB-TUO (WP3), and Mgr.Vojtech Broz, WASTen (WP8).
The further collaborative activities were discussed as well, i.e: cooperative research of UJEP and VSB-TUO on pyrolysis of the contaminated rhizomes from UJEP 2020-year experiment with Miscanthus growing in contaminated by metals Vrsebonice soil, requests to the biochar to be received during pyrolysis at VSB-TUO, reviewing of the literature on value chain (UCT in cooperation with all partners).
Information about the active web-page of the project and approval of the project officially by the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade (registration number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_263/0018837) was delivered by Mr.Radek Horenosky and Mr.Vojtech Broz (WASTen).
The nearest activities of the partners will be concentrated on the following:
- 3 minutes Presentations from each teams related to the current state of the research framework at the User Committees Meeting (end-users’ will represent both countries: Germany and the Czech Republic). The Remote meeting is scheduled for December 17, at 13.00-14.30.
- Zoom research meeting between UJEP and VSB-TUO related to requests to biochar to be produced from Miscanthus waste and further used of biochar in experiment with Miscanthus production in Chomutov, 2021. Meeting is scheduled for December 10, 2020.
- Organization and providing of the International Scientific conference on value chain. The event will be organized by UCT with support of WASTen, preliminary conference is scheduled for the end of February, 2021 in Remote form.
- Preparation of the research report (in English) by each team about the activities done in period July, 2020-January, 2021. Repost has to be submitted to WASTen with deadline January 10, 2020. Simultaneously the financial report (in Czech language) on expenses spent in period July, 2020- January, 2021 has to be submitted by the Czech teams with deadline January 10, 2020.
- Based on team’s reports WASTen will prepare an Interim report about CORNET implementation in the Czech Republic (in Czech language). It has to be submitted by WASTen to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, deadline- January 30, 2021. WASTen will be responsible for submitting the CORNET Czech teams financial report to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, deadline- January 30, 2021.