June 23, 2022: Innovation Day for SMEs, Berlin

On June 23, 2022 prof. Pidlisnyuk participated in the Innovation Day for SMEs, organized by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in Berlin. This annual event serves as a showcase for successful innovations and a communication platform for innovative SMEs, illustrating their wealth of ideas and the effectiveness of open-topic innovation funding. This year’s special focus was on ecological innovations, digital technologies and health. Small and medium-sized enterprises and cooperating research institutions from all over Germany and selected international organizations presented new products, processes and services whose development was funded by the German Federal Government.

While at the event prof. Pidlisnyuk observed the joint project of Fraunhofer IFAM Institute in Dresden and PTS Heidenau on production of paper enriched by incorporation of TEs for ensuring specific properties presented by prof. Ralf Hanser (IFAM) and Dr.  Martin Zahel (PTS). She also visited an exhibition of NET (New Environmental Technology GmbH) and had a meeting with Mr. Frank Scharrenbach, Managing Director on technology permitted to treat Hg-contented hazardous waste to the safety conditions using the absorbents. She also familiarized with the activities of research group on Process Biotechnology at the University of Bayrenth.

Prof. Pidlisnyuk presented the current results of MiscanValue project to the governmental officials Ms.Sofia-Susane Nau and Ms.Clarissa Schatzle from the CORNET coordination office at the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA). The project was defined as having chance to be introduced as “Successful Story” at CORNET network and presented at 2023 Innovation Day. Ms. Jenny Gudlat, IraSME Cordinator at AiF Project GmbH, participated in the meeting as well.