July 19, 2022: Long-term research at the fields in Chomutov

The state of the art with the long-term field research which are going on at two Miscanthus plantations with different soil amendments established in Chomutov in 2020 and 2021 was discussed by professor Valentyna Pidlisniuk and Dr. Sergey Ust’ak on July 18 at the meeting held at CRI. The results of the measuring the soil nematodes communities were analyzed which is a subject of the future manuscript cooperatively prepared by Dr. Stefanovska (Ukraine), Andrzej Skwiercz and Dawid Kozacki (Poland). The options for additional indication of the soil health by measuring the microbial community (PLFA and enzymes) was discussed.

Prof. Pidlisnyuk visited plantations of 2020 and 2021 years and pictured   them. The decision was done to do a separated harvest of each plot of 2021 plantation in order to research the impact of soil amendments (biochar, digestate, separate and sewage sludge) to the biomass production (2022- second year of growing).

On July 19 prof. Pidlisniuk provided a wraps up session with Ukrainian students involved in CORNET research at Chomutov field /Lab within the Summer Internship: Oleksandr Snigur, Halina Fedoriv, Marija Bondaruk and Katerina Shadura, also PhD student Robert Ato Newton participated in the event. The state of the Lab experiment with diesel contaminated soil and Miscanthus field research was discussed, and the responsibilities till harvesting in October were divided: constant watering, monthly measuring of the bioparameters.