On August 31, 2021 Mr.Ethan Nikolas Duong, Master student of HTW Dresden, former Fellow of Leonardo Sachsen Buro at UJEP, defended Master Thesis “Investigation on the milling/pulping process of Miscanthusxgiganteus for production of isolation materials and particleboards”.
The research was accomplished under the leadership of prof. Pfefferkorn, HTW and Dr. Nguyen Trung Cong, TUD HFT. The framework of the research was connected with CORNET activities, specifically: WP4 and WP6.
Ing. Soren Tech and Mgr.Daniela Einer (HFT TUD), prof. Valentyna Pidlisniuk, UJEP participated in the defense along with Advisors of the research prof. Pfefferkorn and Dr. Nguyen Trung Cong.